Where did the term “going to church” come from? For that matter what is the origin of the term “have church”? The Bible never refers to the Church, the bride and body of Christ, even the local church as a destination or an activity. Does any of this matter? I say – absolutely!

First, we should be biblical and not traditional in every part of our Christian life. We not only cause confusion by using unbiblical, traditional terms like “go to church” we inhibit the Bible’s true meanings.

Second is the true meaning of the Church and our local churches. The New Testament is replete with references and instructions not for a building or an activity but a people. The church earnestly prays (Acts 12:5), gathers (Acts 14:7), sends greetings (Romans 16:16), is edified (I Corinthians 14:4), and much more.

Third we must see ourselves as the Church in order to fulfill Christ’s commands. It is we the Church who are called to be equipped to serve G-d. The purpose of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers is to equip us, the Church for works of service (Ephesians 4:11,12). Ultimately, our only reason for remaining on earth is to serve G-d. “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to G-d, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living G-d!” Hebrews 9:14.

Finally, when we see ourselves as the Church, it doesn’t matter where we are but what we do together as being the Church. As churches close in increasing number this biblical identity becomes even more critical! When asked “where do you go to church” I respond by using biblical terms that have much greater meaning. I ask what day they are referring because I gather almost every day with the Church in different sites as fellow disciples of Christ mostly to serve G-d by serving the community. I pray the person asking the question pause and reconsider their question from a biblical perspective.

In the End Times churches will be government approved. The true Church will be “underground” and must operate as we see in the New Testament in order to move the Gospel forward and build the Kingdom. Why not be the first century Church now before the world forces us to be?

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