Six Pillars of Biblical Disciple-making
Using the acronym P.A.W.S.E.D. teach/disciple as follows:
PRAYER– When discipling a believer in prayer an old Sunday School instruction tool may be helpful. Designed to reflect the “Lord’s Prayer” the acronym A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) is valuable on several levels. First, the acronym gives some biblical direction on how we ought to pray. When asked by His disciples how to pray, Christ taught that we should first adore G-d (hallowed be Thy Name). Next, we confess our sins (forgive us our debts). Thirdly, we thank G-d and finally we make our requests or supplications (give us today our daily bread).
ASSEMBLY – Exhorting one another to love and good works. Our gatherings (assembly) as described are far more than attending a service together. In order to love each other as ourselves we must understand fellowship as caring for the needs of others. The more we can be together, the more we can care for each other. Seeking assembly with our neighbors is essential to caring for each other and eventually unity.
WORSHIP – Our true and proper worship is service. As with other essential Christian activities worship has taken on a persona of its own from what is found in the New Testament. The traditional Church incorporates worship services, worship teams, worship music, almost anytime the word worship is used it is related to singing. Singing is overwhelmingly an Old Testament activity and rarely addressed in the New making singing biblical, a part of the New Covenant just not a New Testament emphasis. Under the New Covenant, G-d Himself is present in physical form to model many things including worship. A significant decrease on direct verbal worship is evident. Christ is recorded as singing once. Christ makes clear what His purpose is and that being to do the work of His Father Who sent Him. Christ’s life of worship far exceeds any amount or depth that singing could bring to pleasing G-d. Focus on Scriptures describing service. Make a special effort to focus on Christ’s emphasis on being a servant and the ramifications on not being one. Remember, if we love Jesus we will obey His commandments. No commandment to sing exists but many commands to serve do.
SCRIPTURE – The Church does well, but it’s not that which goes into a man that defiles him, it’s what comes out. So, what is coming out of us? Look the Bible is a big book. The Bible can be very complex, and we can spend lifetimes studying scripture and not gain a majority understanding. Most of us are simple folk who simply need key concepts ingrained in us. To begin, one word can be used to best represent the Bible – Redemption. Build on redemption and disciple for practicality.
EVANGELISM – Meant to be a natural part of our lives as much as a specific ministry. Beginning first as a response I Peter 3:15 states “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”. Evangelism is a skill although some are gifted. Get trained in natural ways to share your faith and assist your neighbors to salvation only found in Jesus Christ – a great way to love your neighbor as yourself. But the making of disciples is a responsibility until the ends of the earth.
DISCIPLESHIP – Requires regular assembly with disciples to teach, train and apply. As the disciple grows, facilitate their ability to disciple others. One way to meet more than for a few minutes on Sunday morning and/or Wednesday night to disciple is to participate in regular outreach and service ministries. Your local congregation may have some regular outreach activities but many others beyond your local gathering exists. Seeking ways to disciple through action – the best way to learn.